Events schedule with PARTY DETAILS at bottom


* Friday 8/27 6-8:30pm: PARTY AT THE FARM
* Friday 9/3, 6-8pm: Potluck and Roundtable
discussion about Food Justice
(led by Tiffanie Stone)
* Friday 9/10, Shabbat dinner
* Saturday 10/2 - (maybe) Community Cider Pressing

* Harvest: Tuesday and Fridays, 7-10am
* Weeding Wednesdays, 8am-noon
* Saturday 8/21 - 8:30-11:30

8.17.21 veggies

csa box first week of august

WORKSHARES - from an email to all harvesters

hello everyone!

email summary:
1. You are amazing and important.
2. We totally need more help.

in your box 7/27

recent CSA boxes

hi friends,
It's been busy on the farm and I'm just now posting the newsletters for the past few weeks boxes. - alice

A talk sponsored by mustard seed: Friday July 16, 3pm

our wonderful friend Andrea says, "Even though industrial and alternative agricultures are often talked about like they’re opposites, real farming worlds are often messier. This talk tries to push beyond the agricultural binary to understand how food systems in Iowa are changing."


If you are bored on July 5, come join us for some garlic excitement!

Here are some historic pictures of previous garlic harvests, including a happy Alice Foster trimming garlic.

#1 is that you are invited to help us harvest GARLIC on July 5th!

The Electronic University Roundtable Discussion Series

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Worker Movement?
Join us in a series of virtual lessons and discussions about the core values of the catholic worker movement.  this is a great  opportunity to learn more about the catholic worker movement and to get to know people from other communities.  You don't need to sign up for all the sessions (though i think they will all be great!)

deliveries week of 6?28

featuring this week's newsletter by Mira Livia Berkson. (alice's apologies for the cut-off edges. the original is bigger than the farm's scanner)

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