garlic planting and fall lists

Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunny, with very little wind, and I'm trying to get as much done as possible before things get really cold. Last weekend we got 98% of the garlic planted before Sunday nightfall and rain. Thanks everyone!!!!

There's still so much to do on the farm!!!
If any of you are still interested in helping out on days when the weather is nice,

Barn Dance Oct 12, 4-7pm

We are having a
this Saturday

IN Celebration of the end of our growing season, our progress on our building projects, and in gratitude for all of you, we are having a party.

All year, we've been working on our new building, and this is our first attempt to have an event in it.


Cider Pressing Event
Saturday September 28, 1-4pm

Dear friends,

It's been a good season, and it's time for some parties!

Cider Pressing - Saturday September 28, 1-4pm.

Introducing: The 2019 Interns!

Written by Jacob for 2019 internship project

It has been an exciting summer on the farm, and three amazing interns have been present for it, learning, teaching, living and working at Mustard Seed. Here are some facts about our fantastic team!


Summer season schedule

Since Caitlin made this handsome schedule on Sunday, we've already added a new event:

Perennial food systems - Palestine to Kansas - snack potluck and Presentation and roundtable discussion,
6:30-8pm, Ames Public Library

strawberry picking

The strawberries are ripe and delicious!
Do you want to help us pick them?

Party/ Potluck Saturday June 8

We are having a pot-luck/party to celebrate the beginning of the summer season out on the farm.

Saturday June 8, 5-7pm
Come see our new greenhouse, the progress on our new multi-purpose building, our new sheep, and how the farm looks after a month of rain.
Meet our new interns, socialize with amazing people, and eat delicious food.
Invite your friends, bring your whole family, everyone welcome!

Saturday May 18 - YES, farmers market. NO on farm workday.

There have been a few conflicting drafts of our schedule out there - this email is to confirm that tomorrow, Saturday May 18
YES, we will be at the ames downtown farmers market
NO, we will not be hosting a workday on the farm (saturday or Sunday)
Here's a picture of some prairie plants we will have to sell soon - blue false indigo, rattlesnake master, and more.

last minute schedule change april 26 and 27

we had posted that we would be having a planting day tomorrow, saturday april 27, but we are cancelling it due to the cold, windy, rainy forecast.

However, a group of people are working on the farm this morning and you are welcome to join us! 9am-noon, friday april 26, today. it's sunny, but a bit windy and cool, so dress in layers and dress to get dirty.

sorry for the last minute notice!

season schedule draft /plea for help

Hello friends,

Springtime is wild! We've had a few lovely days, and then lately, we've been trying to work in 30-50 mph winds, with clouds, rain, and 40 degree weather. It's been challenging, but we've gotten our greenhouse built (it handled these winds no problem!), burned our prairie, and planted about 150 berry plants. The next 2 days, Saturday and Sunday, look to be much lovelier, with calm winds, sunshine and highs of 50! Come out either afternoon to help us plant.

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