strawberry picking

The strawberries are ripe and delicious!
Do you want to help us pick them?
We are picking berries 3 days a week. We have the Tuesday and Friday picking covered by our regular harvest crew, but we need help getting them all picked on Sundays. You are invited to help us pick from 11am-1pm the next 2 Sundays, June 23, and 30. Children are welcome to help, as long as they are with attentive adults. Our goal is to get all the ripe berries picked in that time frame, and to also remove any defective berries (bug bitten, overripe). This way, we can minimize mold and pests in the strawberry patch. If you can help us get our patch picked, you can take home half the berries you pick. We don't have a huge amount of berries, so please try to come closer to 11, and it's also helpful if you can text or call Alice beforehand, so we can have a good plan of how many to expect.
(alice - 978-471-8414)