
March 1 fun-raising event: square dance and more

Community Swap and Square DanceSaturday, March 1st, Mustard Seed, along with a few other Ames groups will be putting on a fun event at 130 South Sheldon. The schedule is:5 to 6 PM: Seed swap and giveaway. We've got a bunch of donated vegetable seeds, and know some people will be bringing their saved seed and plant materials. Come learn about saving seed and get seed to start a garden!

Potluck schedule for the Winter and Spring 2014

Here's our potluck schedule for the coming months. All potlucks are Friday evenings, from 6 to 8 PM, where we share food ideas, and community. Feel free to come and bring a friend!

Feb 21: Movie night: we'll watch a movie on migrant farm workers.
704 Duff Ave, Ames, IA, 50010

March 21: Pinata making workshop.
815 Burnett Ave, Unit 6, Ames, IA 50010

April 18: Diverse livestock production
526 Hayward Ave, Ames, IA 50014

May 16: Hindu philosophy and social justice
366 W Ave, Ames, IA 50014 (our farm's address)

After May 16, we'll continue to have potlucks at the farm (366 W Ave) and they'll happen once a week. Stay tuned for that schedule!

csa 2014



Potluck this friday: Season Review

There's a potluck this friday, December 13th.
at 704 Duff Ave, Ames, IA, 50010
at 6 PM. Following dinner, we'll have a presentation and discussion about Mustard Seed's previous year, and maybe talk a bit about our future.
Feel free to come and bring food!


post neutering.

October newsletter, written by Alice.

The 2013 growing season is coming to an end. The days are getting shorter and colder. Amazingly, there hasn't been a frost yet, but the harvests are dwindling. We've stopped having our pot-lucks outside on the farm, RAchel and Craig are getting ready to move off the farm and to beautiful Dubuque. (it's been great to live with them this year - we'll all miss them!) Our experiment with a Sabbath for the soil is coming to a close, and we are planning for next year - with a CSA again, hopefully with 20 paying members and 12 working members. OUr summer kitchen natural building project has been tons of fun, the kitchen isn't done, but it's pretty awesome and we just had our first pizza party with our new oven.

winter potlucks will be once a month, in Ames proper. The first two (Oct 18 and Nov 15) are at 704 Duff Ave, Ames, IA, 50010
The time will be 6 PM dinner, 7 PM discussion
oct 18, a discussion of what makes effective altruism, led by mark Grundevelt
and Nov 15, practical lessons in knitting, mending, and maybe darning, led by Nicholas Leete and Alice
generally these potlucks might be on the 3rd Friday of the month - but December is always confusing.
more info to come

Garlic planting will be Friday oct 18, and Saturday oct 19, 9-noon, lunch, 1-5 both days. Please bring food to share if you plan on being here for lunch. This is the last big hurrah of the season, and you will probably be able to take home some of the last vegetables of the season as a thank-you for your help in this effort. PLease call Alice if you are planning to come 515-460-1467

Finally, we are planning on having a CSA for 2014. WE hope you or a friend might be interested in joining. WE realize you might have changed your loyalties since we abandoned you this year. But please remember that we haven't abandoned our mission, and we expect to grow delicious food in abundance next year. The price might be $400 for a 20 week share. Again, give Alice a call if you are interested.

much love

Some major accomplishments!

Some major accomplishments!

So It’s been a busy month at the farm.
1. We finally got a roof on the outdoor kitchen!
2. The farm purchase finally got completed! After so long, and many obstacles, Mustard Seed Farm now owns the land!
3. Nate and Alice got married!
and went on a honeymoon while our farm team took awesome care of everything – special thanks to Rachel and Craig.

W(edding w)orkday Saturday and Sunday

Tomorrow (saturday), we have a workday, getting ready for Alice and Nate's wedding, from 8 AM to noon. We chose that time because it will be cooler in the morning. However, it will also not be very hot in the afternoon as well, and not too bad on Sunday either. So if you'd like to come make our farm functional and nice looking, feel free to come saturday or sunday!

Potluck poster

Upcoming workdays

Saturday, July 20, 8 AM-12 PM
We'll be doing some work, probably involving cover crop planting

Saturday, July 27, 8 AM-12 PM
We'll be getting the farm ready for Alice and Nate's wedding and doing some weeding and other farm work.

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