farm team meeting today and misc winter invites

hello friends,

here in the winter time, we are planning and dreaming about food, farming, community, beauty, alternative economics, justice, fun and friendship. Last week we had an a-MAIZE-ing and delicious corn event!

****TODAY we are having a planning meeting at the Ames Public Library from 1-3 (with an option to join us by zoom - link below) (sunday 12/11, 1-3pm)

other upcoming events on the winter menu:
Upcoming Meetings:

Sunday, January 15, 1-3PM at Library
Farm Planning Retreat - probably Jan 21st, 1-5pm - to discuss season review/future planning,
(ok, not jan 21, because that's the practical farmers of iowa conference - date tba soon!!!)

Events with dates not set
***the return of our ANNUAL FUN-RAISER! (maybe early march?)
**** A Mustard Seed Community ART SHOW (art opening maybe early February?)
*** Winter work days
**** Candle making or other crafts?

We are looking for folks who might be interested in helping us with any of these winter projects. Are you an artist interested in showing work with us or performing at our art event? Would you like to help us plan winter events, or work on fundraising for our upcoming WATER IMPROVEMENTS on the farm? Would you like to help us cut down dying ash trees this winter? If interested or curious, reply to this email, check out our farm team meeting, or send me a text.

peace and joy,
alice mcgary

here's a corn event post (photos from Zoë & words from Amie)
Less than 10% of all corn is grown for human consumption, but we are reclaiming heirloom corn varieties as important, ancestral food. Today we ate a 3 Sisters stew made from corn, beans, and squash grown at the farm from seeds from Seed Savers Exchange and our own saved seeds, played corn bingo, wrote and shared stories about corn, practiced grinding, and learned about other methods of processing corn, including nixtamalization.

Thank you to everyone to joined us this afternoon. It was so wonderful to enjoy your company and come together around food we've grown together. ??????

Alice McGary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: farm team meeting
Time: Dec 11, 2022 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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