advent candles, gifts, and more

as of 12/2, we have now sold all of our advent candle sets. Thanks everyone and happy advent!
Please email, or text alice at 978-471-8414 if you are interested in candles.

Advent candles handmade with prayers and love from your friends at the farm. They are made from recycled liturgical candles, and our wonderful team of workers held prayers and intentions for the world while making them: light, warmth, health, an end to exploitation of people and our planet, end to the pandemic, and of course, peace, hope, love, and joy.
Thank you to our wonderful crew who put in all the hours and care to make these beautiful candles!

If you are looking for any other gift ideas - we have other things available for sale: Honey, garlic, pottery, rugs, and more. We don't have a great plan about how to buy these things, but we might be able to schedule a time for people to shop at the little store on the farm if there's enough interest. text alice if you are interested: 978-471-8414