Birthdays and Three Sisters!

Dear friends,
(pictures temporarily sideways until fixed...)
Pictured above are interns Allyson and Xueyan on Allyson’s birthday celebration. Before them is Xueyan’s delicious and innovative jello cake with sour cream frosting. Xueyan and Allyson both celebrated their birthdays recently, so it has been a festive time on the farm. Also, the crescent moon at sunset:)

In other news, the three sisters plot by the squash section is doing pretty well. This garden consists of corn, beans, and squash grown together in mounds. The design allows the plots to be relatively self-sustaining, as beans make nutrients available to other plants by fixing nitrogen, corn provides beans with a structure to climb, and squash shades out weeds. We recently mulched the pathways in the section and it is looking pretty spiffy.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Alice Foster