More pictures

Here's the one onion flower that our farm produced, I've been told by Alice that she cut it down when she harvested the first round of onions.
I've uploaded this and pictures of the last few months onto facebook, you can see them here.

Fireflies and summer storms

Now it is definitely summer. Spring lasted a long time and we had an endless supply of spinach and lettuce, but now we have summer clouds, summer storms, and fireflies. Martin was out the other night taking pictures of the fireflies (there should be a few more at the end of his photo album) before taking off on another cross country trip. We'll be glad to see him when he gets back. (Some of his other pictures show off the bugs better, but this one shows off the farm.)

A June Summary

Here's what Nicholas sent out to the list, and i pretty much copied it word for word.


Reduced tillage experiment

This is kindof my pet project for the summer. The plan is to grow, and then plant seedlings directly into a cover crop, avoiding tillage in the spring when we're most likely to have major water erosion. In this case, we planted winter rye last fall, and then this spring we scythed it down and planted various brassica seedlings (broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, brussell sprouts) into it. A big picture of the test area is shown above.

CSA delivery started

We have started delivering! On Friday we brought boxes to our first 4 members and also the food pantry in Story City, and tomorrow we will be harvesting in the rain to bring food for the rest of our CSA.

Greenhouse progress

Our greenhouse: It’s been a learning experience, and I’m confident that we’ll need to keep making adjustments, but our greenhouse is up and operational. The modest size of 20’X12’ seems hard to fill with seedlings, but should be easy to fill with tomatoes and some fall greens. For now, it also makes a nice picnic area on cold windy days.
here's some pictures of our serious workers, Irene, Steve, and Nate:

spring planting

Saturday 4/25

We got most of our potatoes in on Good Friday, and the last few on Saturday morning. All in all, with the help of a big Friday crew, and the steadfast work of my mom, Barbara and Nicholas all weekend, we got all the potatoes and onions in the ground.

Bees died

So our bees died this summer, Chris talked some kind of expert (maybe an apiarist?), and based on the fact that there was still substantial amounts of capped honey left in the hive, and there wasn't any evidence of foulbrood or other major pathogens/pests, we think they froze to death. I put some more pictures on facebook. If you want to see our new bees, we're having workday tomorrow April 10 after noon, and Saturday, April 11 for most of the day.



Here's some pictures alice took of the garlic, maybe we'll see some starting to poke through the straw on saturday. We didn't really have much in the way of garlic last year, so it will be nice to get a good crop of them in the august, hopefully i'm still here when they are ready for harvest.

In terms of other alliums, we've started some onions, leeks, garlic chives, chives, and bunching onions in our greenhouse, and should put the out in the next few weeks. We'll also be ordering some prestarted onions for the bulk of our crop.

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