
Summer ends tomorrow, and our farm is doing a pretty good job of showing it. Last week we had a frost. ALice and Nate did an awesome job of covering a lot of things with plastic and garden blankets, and so we will likely still have tomatoes and other crops for a week or two, but the cold weather is making everything grow a lot slower. At right are pictures from food I made earlier in the season-sliced tomatoes, gumbo made from those tomatoes, okra, and sausage, and beet dip (roasted beets, tahini, yogurt, garlic, and salt) on slices of cucumber. They were all delicious, but now like I said, the tomatoes are growing real slow and might die soon, I haven't checked the okra but I imagine it's probably dead, we harvested the last of our beet crop probably a month ago, and the last of our cucumbers succumbed to disease just a few weeks ago. The growing season isn't over: we still have lots of sweet potatoes to harvest, kale and brussel sprouts will continue for a while, we might get some fall radishes and bok choi, and our winter cover crops are coming up nicely. But these are all fall things, and the summer crops-tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans-are definitely dieing down.